Last night, the President discussed his plans to deploy more troops to Baghdad and Anbar to try to stop the sectarian violence there. I'm not going to comment on this buildup because I don't like playing armchair general and it's not my place to judge military decisions like that.
My complaint is with the Democrats threatening to cut funding to the deploying troops to keep them from going. Cutting funding to the military, ANY part of the military, for a political purpose is unacceptable. Pelosi and Reid want to make a political statement against any buildup of anything in Iraq, they want troops out now. So to keep them out, they're going to stop paying their salaries, stop providing them ammunition and food, stop putting gas in their vehicles, stop their medical supplies, and make their lives miserable just because. The Democrats claim that they're only going to attack the troops that will be going in, but ANY attack on the troops in this manner is an attack against the entire military. The Democrats wanted the war in Iraq to be the next Vietnam, and they're going to do it any way they can, by God.
The Democrats are anti-military. They have been for years. The first step was when they screwed up Vietnam. Yes, boys and girls, the Democrats drove us into Vietnam and the Democrats escalated Vietnam. When the war wasn't going well and a Republican tried to fix it, they cut military funding. When some people fought back against the military, their taste in it was soured. It got worse when Regan actually brought back some confidence in the country and in the military. Now, most people in the military are Republican because Republicans have done well for the military, and that makes Democrats hate them even more. So every chance they get, they're going to attack the military. They wanted to abolish the military under Clinton, and now they're going to try to cut military funding in Iraq.