Maybe, just maybe, I'll have some desire to actually post on this on more than an occasional basis. Never know, though.
I'll start up again discussing politics, because they're kinda interesting right now.
Currently, the Democratic contenders are Clinton and Obama, while the Republican contender is McCain. Technically, Huckabee's running too, but he's more interested in starring on Saturday Night Live than actually campaigning. Cute, but not presidential.
I was rooting for Fred Thompson. Hell, I even contributed to his campaign a little bit. I've never been involved in things like that, so it was fun. But when he bowed out, I decided to go with McCain, which seems to make me in the sharp minority. The same people who were for Thompson hated Romney, McCain, and Huckabee. After Romney dropped out (shockingly), everyone started attacking McCain viciously, essentially calling him a traitor to the Republican party.
First of all, I'm an Independent, primarily because I despise partisan politics. They're designed to divide the American people and create nothing but dissension. The political system in this country causes PEOPLE to be voted into office, not parties. I don't vote for a party, I vote for a person who I think can best do the job.
McCain has a history of working across the aisle. This aspect, which I appreciate, is the very aspect that causes all the hatred. Because he has crossed the aisle, he's a traitor. He's in it to destroy this nation. He has a temper, so he's not fit to run. These are just some of the accusations. I find it interesting that several die-hard rightist Republicans are so dead set against McCain that they want to vote for Clinton instead. I have a bet with a friend of mine concerning this.
Clinton and Obama are getting really hot. Clinton is barely hanging on by a thread. She's trying to have a landslide victory in Texas and Ohio and trying to get Michigan and Florida to count (taking a page out of Al Gore, of course). She's a Clinton. This naturally entails that she's going to do anything, literally anything, to win. She'll smear Obama, steal his votes, break rules in her favor, anything, just to win. Obama's the pretty boy who talks of nothing but hope, but people love him for it. The things he actually espouses scare me, mainly because I don't want to pay for someone else's medical insurance and probably be stuck with some piece of crap socialized medicine. I'm not going to comment too much on Clinton but to say this: she's a socialist. I don't want to live in a socialist nation.
The Democratic Party is in danger of self-imploding. If Clinton gets her way, she's either going to outright steal the election from under Obama, or cause a brokered convention that would probably make the bulk of the Democratic Party extremely angry. And I'm pretty confident she'll get her way. I will not count her out until she voluntarily abdicates.