Friday, March 03, 2006

Going to pot

Things are going to hell in a handbasket this week! First, on Tuesday, Taiwan killed a program that was supposed to discuss how Taiwan can reintegrate into the mainland. This sparked off a statement from China saying that the island should not be making such an overture toward independence and called on us to stop any attempts at independence. [Article Link]

On Thursday, talks between Iran and Russia over a plan to have Iran enrich uranium on Russian soil fell through, after blaming the US for sabotaging the meeting. [Article Link]

And today, talks between Iran and the EU ended after only 2 hours with no agreement reached, pretty much clearing the way for the IAEA to submit Iran to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions. [Article Link]

I had been worried about China and Taiwan for a while, and I fear it may come to a head very quickly if something isn't done soon. The United States is obliged under federal law to offer military aid to Taiwan, so China would turn its sights on us if we help Taiwan. In addition, the situation about Iran is getting really tough. They're trumping themselves up so much that a war is probably inevitable there.