Monday, November 07, 2005

France riots

Things are becoming very interesting in France. The rioting ha spread to 300 towns in the country, and unrest seems to be spreading to neighboring countries. Many countries have warned tourists to be careful in and/or avoid violence-hit areas. Many countries have also denounced France for being unable to quell this violence. [Article Link]

The France riots have gotten very interesting. Many people in government are calling for harsh action against the rioters (causing the rioters to get more angry, of course). However, some liberals are calling for more funding in social projects, which I find amusing. The typical liberal response to a problem: dump money into it until it goes away.

France is already a socialist country. Unfortunately, no country is fully capable of completely supporting the entire population. Some people fall though the cracks and never get found again. That's what these riots are about. I think the only way a socialist state can withstand these kinds of things is if they take the next step and become totalitarian, like Stalinist USSR.

To me, it seems like France's arrogant culture has failed itself. It probably never occurred to any Frenchman that someone would NOT want to be more French. Probably their call for peace consists primarily of cheese and wine. Funny: most of the rioters are the downtrodden Muslim population, who wouldn't WANT the wine in the first place. Another thing that the French probably can't understand.


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