Tuesday, December 09, 2008

First extrasolar planet pictures!

First fuzzy photos of planets outside solar system - Yahoo! News

I is a science nut.

This is one of the coolest things I have heard in a while. They have been trying to get a picture of an extrasolar planet for a long time. Thus far, they've only been able to detect planets based on measuring a nearly immeasurable "wobble" caused by the gravitational pull of the planet on the star. Now we very well may have actual pictures of these planets.

Unfortunately, these are pictures of massive gas-giants, 10 times larger than Jupiter. It's about the same with the above-mentioned "wobble" technique since you need a big enough gravitational force for us to be able to measure the shifting of the star.

Still, this is really cool. It was measured using the Hubble space telescope, which was a big deal when I was a kid. It's a rather old telescope. We have telescopes on earth that are able to compensate for the atmospheric disturbances and take pictures that are even clearer than Hubble.

Can you imagine that in the Victorian era they actually believed that there was nothing left in the universe to discover and it was the end of science?


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